Wednesday, May 9, 2012

the last few days

It is hard to believe that this time last week I was in the midst of my 5 exams and now in 3 short days I will be Cape Town, South Africa. I've always wanted to become a 21st century blogger but I never had an excuse to make one slash I had no idea what I would blog about. Well now I have an incredible excuse to blog and share the most amazing summer with you!

Here is a little background about myself. I am a horrible writer and I apologize ahead of time.  You can ask my mom or my freshman year roommate how bad I really am. The dreadful looks in their faces when I would ask them to proof read my papers and then get them back 4 hours later because of so many grammatical errors. So because of my third grade vocabulary and improper use of punctuation I have a feeling this blog will be more picture than words. I will still write some but from looking at photos of Cape Town the beautiful scenery will say it all.

Friday morning I am leaving for Cape Town. I fly to Amsterdam first then to Cape Town. Over 24 hours of traveling but it will be totally worth it! I am spending 5 weeks in Cape Town and then traveling Europe for a week before I come back to America. From diving with the great white sharks to bungee jumping to serving at a local township, I literally CAN NOT wait!! Only 48 hours until I leave for a life changing summer!  


Cape Town Waterfront

Table Mountain

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