Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Good Morning Hike

Good Morning! 
I have officially climbed both mountains in Cape Town. This morning was the sunrise hike up Lions Head. I woke up at 5:30 to experience the beautiful Cape Town sunrise thinking that this hike would be a breeze compared to Table Mountain. Well within the first 10 minutes of my early morning hike I was already exhausted and regretting my decision to sign up for this hike. The beginning was like a speed race on an uphill dirt path with lots of rocks to trip over due to the darkness. Once the dirt path ended the rock climbing began. There were times during the hike that we were climbing latters because it was so steep. Hiking Lions Head was scarier than the Table Mountain hike only because of the massive rocks we had to not walk but climb on and at times it looked like with one wrong step you could go tumbling down the mountain. Briley and I were walking at our own pace with Ish who was full of tricks during the hike. He kept telling us 15 more minutes even though we were only halfway up. After looking at the upcoming rocks that we had to climb, Briley and I didn’t understand how we were supposed to climb back down the mountain once we reached the top. It looked tough enough to climb up that climbing down seemed impossible. Well again Ish tricked us to thinking that there was a cable car waiting at the top to bring us down but it was just a trick again. We climbed the rocks back down the mountain, which was actually not as hard as I was expecting. We had to sit on our butts at time to keep from falling and my hand got a little scuffed up but we made it down safe and sound. The sunrise from the top was beautiful to watch and we arrived at the perfect timing. We got to watch the sun appear in the horizon and then made our way back down the mountain. This hike was a great way to start our morning. I can now cross that off my Cape Town bucket list! :) 

Today’s class was probably my favorite one so far. We talked all about overcoming obstacles and it was great to here people from my group share their stories about different events they are currently going through or have gone through.

After class a big group of us made our way to the Green Market. It is a market full of little knickknacks and other souvenirs. We then walked to Charly’s Bakery, which is supposed to be one of Oprah’s favorites. We talked about the Oprah effect in my marketing class and this bakery is a great example. Oprah mentioned it on her show and it is now a go to in Cape Town. 

on top of Lions Head

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