Sunday, May 13, 2012

I made it!!

After 2 days of flying and maybe like 5 hours of sleep I have finally arrived in Cape Town!! You can call me strange but I thought the 11 and a half hour flight from Amsterdam to Cape Town was easier than the 8 hour flight from Atlanta to Amsterdam. I don't know if the personal TV's had anything to do with it but the flight didn't really seem that long.

Let me start from the beginning of our flying adventure. We (briley and I) left Atlanta Friday around 3 for Amsterdam. That flight was very interesting. We might have been some of the only Americans on the flight and everyone around us was speaking in Dutch or some other language. It was really cool listening to them speak, especially Dutch, which might be my new favorite language. Whenever anyone spoke my attention always went to them to see what language they were speaking. 

We arrived in Amsterdam at 6am and we were both beyond tired. We figured that since we are staying in Europe a week after we leave Cape Town we would go ahead and buy our European adaptors. Before I finish this story let me give you some background on me and Briley. We have known each other since 5th grade and we never argue. Well, due the our lack of sleep and traveling we started arguing about which adaptor would fit our American plugs. After a good two minutes of "I think this one will work" and "No, I think it is this one" a worker came to our rescue. After he showed us which adaptor to buy we made our purchase and then laughed about how we just argued over a stupid adaptor. After 4 hours in Amsterdam and listening to the moving walkways say, "mind your step" every 10 seconds, we left for Cape Town. 

We landed in Cape Town last night around 10 pm. Two Global Lead staff members picked us up and brought us to the hotel we were staying at for the night. Once we got here we went to the staff room to use the Internet and eat a peanut butter sandwich and then it was time for a BED!

This morning we got to check into our home for the next five weeks. They are 2 bedroom 2 bath apartments with an ocean front view that is to die for! Global Lead had our welcome bags waiting on the table for us! (thanks mom) After a little unpacking we headed off to lunch and then to venture on the beach. My first Cape Town meal was delicious. The menu had some interesting items that aren’t really going for my picky eating habits but I found something yummy. After lunch we walked on the beach taking TONS of pictures and feeling the freezing cold water. Now we are waiting on the rest of the group to arrive and then off to The Pick and Pay.

Tomorrow begins the Global Lead Cape Town 2012 program!


Sunset on plane to Amsterdam

Welcome bags when we arrived! 

View from our apartment

Me in on the beach in Cape Town 

Table Mountain

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